Hi I am really worried cause this boy has done a lot of stuff to me and my best mate like he hugged me when I felt really uncomfortable and lied about sex jokes our school don’t believe us.
Hello, I’m so sorry you and your friend are experiencing this at the moment. Thank you for reaching out.
As you’ve raised this with your school you could try speaking with the National Bullying Helpline or speaking to one of our therapists. I advise keeping your distance from this individual as much as possible. If you haven’t already, you could try telling him in the moment that he makes you feel uncomfortable and ask him to keep his distance from you. He may be unaware that he’s making you feel uncomfortable or he may enjoy making others feel uncomfortable. Either way, you could record each time he’s made you feel uncomfortable, what date it is and what the circumstances were. This way you have evidence to present to the school about different situations.