Mental health articles, blogs, news and stories
From Playground to Office: The Evolution of Bullying Across Lifetimes
Bullying is a widespread problem that affects people at all phases of life, from early infancy to maturity. It is crucial to comprehend its effects, manifestations, and solutions to foster an environment where people can flourish.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Psychotherapy: What is the Difference?
Psychotherapy, or "talk therapy," treats mental health issues through conversation, including methods like CBT, which focuses on changing negative thoughts and behaviors. CBT is effective for conditions like anxiety, depression, and PTSD, using techniques such as cognitive restructuring and exposure therapy.
Binge Eating Disorder
Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is characterized by episodes of uncontrollable overeating, where individuals continue eating even when uncomfortably full. This disorder can be triggered by genetics, emotional issues, or family habits, and is often hidden due to shame. Signs in children include secretive eating, fluctuating weight, and food disappearing or being stashed away.
Boost Your Mood: The Mental Health Benefits of Regular Exercise
Regular exercise boosts physical and mental health, improving mood and reducing stress. Despite benefits, many young people lack activity due to screen time. Overcoming exercise barriers can be done by starting small, using online resources, and setting goals.
From Darkness to Heights: Understanding and Managing Phobias
A phobia is an extreme, irrational fear disrupting daily life. Symptoms include panic attacks and sweating. Treatments include exposure therapy and relaxation techniques. Support from caregivers is crucial.
A Parent's Guide to Self-Care For Surviving Conduct Disorder
Our parent's guide to self-care while raising a child with Conduct Disorder offers support & strategies to manage challenges, build resilience & reduce stress.
Technology and Mental Health
Excessive screen time poses risks like procrastination, sedentarism, and instant gratification. It can lead to obsession, isolation, and a lack of real connections.
The Power of Social Connections
Social connections are crucial for mental and physical health, while isolation can lead to depression and anxiety. Technology poses modern challenges, but prioritising face-to-face interactions and seeking therapy can foster meaningful connections.
Joining Forces for Health: The Transformative Impact of Clubs on Well-Being
Extracurricular clubs offer a holistic approach to development, fostering well-being, skills, and social interactions. Despite benefits, research shows some youth miss out, highlighting the need to address barriers and promote participation.
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy
DBT blends Buddhism, spirituality, and CBT to manage mental health, focusing on acceptance and change. It offers skills in mindfulness, interpersonal effectiveness, and emotional regulation over 6 months, often involving caregivers and consistent practice.
The Impact of Peer Pressure on Well-being
As young people begin to sort themselves into social groups, there are pressures to adopt values, styles and interests that their friends have. During adolescence, individuals become more sensitive to the opinions and behaviours of their peers, making them more susceptible to peer pressure.
How Active Listening Can Comfort and Support Your Loved Ones
In times of emotional distress, offering simple solutions may not be helpful and can undermine the person's emotional experience. Active listening is a more effective form of emotional support, highlighting the importance of understanding and empathising with the person's feelings.
Post-Natal Depression
Postpartum Depression (PPD) is a form of depression that many parents encounter following the birth of a child. While PPD typically begins to manifest between 1 and 3 weeks after childbirth, it can occur at any time within the first year after giving birth.
The University Dilemma: Brilliant Time versus Mental Health Risks
Student life is commonly depicted as carefree and enjoyable, often referred to as 'the best years of your life.' However, the current reality for many students is marked by challenges and stress.
Transitioning to University: A Brief Guide
This new stage in your life is an exciting chapter, but all the change can be overwhelming and the challenges you are bound to face can seem quite daunting and can lead to negatively impacting your mental health
Supporting Friends with their Mental Wellbeing at School
It is important to look after your friends who are struggling. If you are not sure how there are some signs you can look out for which can indicate someone is struggling with their mental health
You Are What You Eat
Microbiomes are found in natural habitats in varying shapes and sizes. One of those natural habitats is our gut.
'Eco-Anxiety' and Young People's Mental Health
In recent years, there has been an increase in the extremity and destruction of climate change affecting young people’s worries and anxieties about the effects of climate change.
Coping Strategies for Managing Chronic Pain and Mental Health
There are multiple modalities and presentations of pain, which means that coping mechanisms need to be adapted and depend on these differences.
The Challenges Of Parenting With Chronic Illness
Every day I play symptom roulette. I never know what I’m going to get until I get up and try to start the day.